Articles in English

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English was imposed upon the Irish, but they have made it their own and have contributed some of our finest literature.
Chapter Summary Utility of knowing the origin of nations in order to understand their social condition and their laws—America the only country in which the starting-point of a great people has been c
(To) ace (v.) (a test, exam, etc.): To pass a test, exam, etc. really easily. ex: “Robert aced his physics exam.
Англо-Русский Разговорник 1. Повседневные выражения а) Приветствие Good morning! Доброе утро! (до обеда) Good afternoon! Добрый день! (после обеда) Good evening! Добрый вечер! How do you do?
study of dialects offers a fascinating approach to learning about language.
history of development of any language is closely connected with history of development of the people speaking in this language.
are not simply cold linguistic systems studied in grammar books, but rather, tools for human communication.
Classification of the modern territorial dialects of modern English regional dialects presents serious difficulties, since their boundaries are characterized by a large fluctuation, and locales are i
Cockney is probably the second most famous British accent. It originated in the East End of London, but shares many features with and influences other dialects in that region.
Chapter Summary North America divided into two vast regions, one inclining towards the Pole, the other towards the Equator—Valley of the Mississippi—Traces of the Revolutions of the Globe—Shore of th
Chapter Summary Daily use which the Anglo-Americans make of the right of association—Three kinds of political associations—In what manner the Americans apply the representative system to associations
Chapter Summary Difficulty of restraining the liberty of the press—Particular reasons which some nations have to cherish this liberty—The liberty of the press a necessary consequence of the sovereign
Chapter Summary Great distinction to be made between parties—Parties which are to each other as rival nations—Parties properly so called—Difference between great and small parties—Epochs which produc
I have hitherto examined the institutions of the United States; I have passed their legislation in review, and I have depicted the present characteristics of political society in that country.
Advantages Of The Federal System In General, And Its Special Utility In America.