The West Country dialects accents are the English dialects and accents used by much of the indigenous population of South West England, the area popularly known as the West Country.
history of development of any language is closely connected with history of development of the people speaking in this language.
Classification of the modern territorial dialects of modern English regional dialects presents serious difficulties, since their boundaries are characterized by a large fluctuation, and locales are i
(To) ace (v.) (a test, exam, etc.): To pass a test, exam, etc. really easily. ex: “Robert aced his physics exam.
Cockney is probably the second most famous British accent. It originated in the East End of London, but shares many features with and influences other dialects in that region.
From London down the Thames and into Essex, Sussex, and even Kent, a new working and middle class dialect has evolved and is rapidly become “the” southern dialect.
Australian English is predominantly British English, and especially from the London area. R’s are dropped after vowels, but are often inserted between two words ending and beginning with vowels.
study of dialects offers a fascinating approach to learning about language.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE The English language has its origins in about the fifth century a.d.
are not simply cold linguistic systems studied in grammar books, but rather, tools for human communication.
British English in Southern England In general, Southern English accents are distinguished from Northern English accents primarily by not using the short a in words such as “bath”.
English was imposed upon the Irish, but they have made it their own and have contributed some of our finest literature.
English is actually an unusual language. Already a blend of early Frisian and Saxon, it absorbed Danish and Norman French, and later added many Latin and Greek technical terms.
Англо-Русский Разговорник 1. Повседневные выражения а) Приветствие Good morning! Доброе утро! (до обеда) Good afternoon! Добрый день! (после обеда) Good evening! Добрый вечер! How do you do?
Scotland actually has more variation in dialects than England! The variations do have a few things in common, though, besides a large particularly Scottish vocabulary: rolled r’s.