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Интервью с Андреем Маковым о Малевиче — Давным-давно, начиная изучать в Париже историю ис­ кусств, я сказал своему профессору, что очень интересуюсь жи­ вописью двадцатого века.
Interview with Andrei Nakov about Malevich Way back when I was starting to study the history of art in Paris, I said to my professor that I was much taken with twentieth century painting.
Интервью: Русско-американский семейный опыт Американка Джанни, окончив Университет в Огайо, приеха­ла в Ленинград работать в американском консульстве.
Interview: The Experience of a Russian-American Family An American, Jeanine, who was graduated from a university in Ohio, went to Leningrad to work in the American consulate.
After the ‘Ad The people of Thamud were the heirs to the ‘Ad as they were the heirs to the community of Nuh. The Thamud followed after the ‘Ad as the ‘Ad had followed after Nuh.
The story of Ayyub The story of the Prophet Ayyub in the Qur’an shows another aspect of the blessing of Allah to His believing slaves who remain patient and thankful, and to His beloved Prophets.