By FeodorDostoevsky
(Translationby H.P. Blavatsky)
[Dedicatedby the Translator to those sceptics who clamour soloudly,both in print and private letters–“Show us the wonder-
working‘Brothers,’ let them come out publicly–and we will
believe inthem!”][Thefollowing is an extract from M. Dostoevsky’s celebrated
novel, TheBrothers Karamazof, the last publication from the pen
of thegreat Russian novelist, who died a few months ago, just as
theconcluding chapters appeared in print. Dostoevsky is
beginningto be recognized as one of the ablest and profoundest
amongRussian writers. His characters are invariably typical
portraitsdrawn from various classes of Russian society,
strikinglylife-like and realistic to the highest degree. The
followingextract is a cutting satire on modern theology
generallyand the Roman Catholic religion in particular. The idea
is thatChrist revisits earth, coming to Spain at the period of
theInquisition, and is at once arrested as a heretic by the
GrandInquisitor. One of the three brothers of the story, Ivan, a
rankmaterialist and an atheist of the new school, is supposed to
throw thisconception into the form of a poem, which he describes
toAlyosha–the youngest of the brothers, a young Christian
mysticbrought up by a “saint” in a monastery–as follows:
(–Ed.Theosophist, Nov., 1881)]
“Quiteimpossible, as you see, to start without an introduction,”
laughedIvan. “Well, then, I mean to place the event described in
the poem inthe sixteenth century, an age–as you must have been
told atschool–when it was the great fashion among poets to
make thedenizens and powers of higher worlds descend on earth
and mixfreely with mortals… In France all the notaries’
clerks, andthe monks in the cloisters as well, used to give
grandperformances, dramatic plays in which long scenes were
enacted bythe Madonna, the angels, the saints, Christ, and even
by GodHimself. In those days, everything was very artless and
primitive.An instance of it may be found in Victor Hugo’s drama,
Notre Damede Paris, where, at the Municipal Hall, a play called
Le BonJugement de la Tres-sainte et Graceuse Vierge Marie, is
enacted inhonour of Louis XI, in which the Virgin appears
personallyto pronounce her ‘good judgment.’ In Moscow, during
theprepetrean period, performances of nearly the same character,
chosenespecially from the Old Testament, were also in great
favour.Apart from such plays, the world was overflooded with
mysticalwritings, ‘verses’–the heroes of which were always
selectedfrom the ranks of angels, saints and other heavenly
citizensanswering to the devotional purposes of the age. The
recluses ofour monasteries, like the Roman Catholic monks,
passedtheir time in translating, copying, and even producing
originalcompositions upon such subjects, and that, remember,
during theTarter period!… In this connection, I am reminded of
a poemcompiled in a convent–a translation from the Greek, of
course–called,‘The Travels of the Mother of God among the
Damned,’with fitting illustrations and a boldness of conception
inferiornowise to that of Dante. The ‘Mother of God’ visits
hell, incompany with the archangel Michael as her cicerone to
guide herthrough the legions of the ‘damned.’ She sees them all,
and iswitness to their multifarious tortures. Among the many
otherexceedingly remarkably varieties of torments–every
category ofsinners having its own–there is oneespecially
worthy ofnotice, namely a class of the ‘damned’ sentenced to
graduallysink in a burning lake of brimstone and fire. Those
whose sinscause them to sink so low that they no longer can rise
to thesurface are for ever forgotten by God, i.e., they fade out
from theomniscient memory, says the poem–an expression, by the
way, of anextraordinary profundity of thought, when closely
analysed.The Virgin is terribly shocked, and falling down upon
her kneesin tears before the throne of God, begs that all she
has seen inhell–all, all without exception, should have their
sentencesremitted to them. Her dialogue with God is colossally
interesting.She supplicates, she will not leave Him. And when
God,pointing to the pierced hands and feet of her Son, cries,
‘How can Iforgive His executioners?’ She then commands that all
the saints,martyrs, angels and archangels, should prostrate
themselveswith her before the Immutable and Changeless One and
implore Himto change His wrath into mercy and–forgive them
all. Thepoem closes upon her obtaining from God a compromise, a
kind ofyearly respite of tortures between Good Friday and
Trinity, achorus of the ‘damned’ singing loud praises to God
from their‘bottomless pit,’ thanking and telling Him:
Thou artright, O Lord, very right,
Thou hastcondemned us justly.
“Mypoem is of the same character.
“Init, it is Christ who appears on the scene. True, He says
nothing,but only appears and passes out of sight. Fifteen
centurieshave elapsed since He left the world with the distinct
promise toreturn ‘with power and great glory’; fifteen long
centuriessince His prophet cried, ‘Prepare ye the way of the
Lord!’since He Himself had foretold, while yet on earth, ‘Of
that dayand hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven
but myFather only.’ But Christendom expects Him still. …
“Itwaits for Him with the same old faith and the same emotion;
aye, with afar greater faith, for fifteen centuries have rolled
away sincethe last sign from heaven was sent to man,
And blindfaith remained alone
To lull thetrusting heart,
As heav’nwould send a sign no more.
“True,again, we have all heard of miracles being wrought ever
since the‘age of miracles’ passed away to return no more. We
had, andstill have, our saints credited with performing the most
miraculous cures;and, if we can believe their biographers, there
have beenthose among them who have been personally visited by
the Queenof Heaven. But Satan sleepeth not, and the first germs
of doubt,and ever-increasing unbelief in such wonders, already
had begunto sprout in Christendom as early as the sixteenth
century. Itwas just at that time that a new and terrible heresy
first madeits appearance in the north of Germany.* [*Luther’s
reform] A great star ‘shining as it were a lamp…fell upon the
fountainswaters’… and ‘they were made bitter.’ This ‘heresy’
blasphemouslydenied ‘miracles.’ But those who had remained
faithfulbelieved all the more ardently, the tears of mankind
ascended toHim as heretofore, and the Christian world was
expectingHim as confidently as ever; they loved Him and hoped in
Him,thirsted and hungered to suffer and die for Him just as many
of them haddone before…. So many centuries had weak, trusting
humanityimplored Him, crying with ardent faith and fervour: ‘How
long, OLord, holy and true, dost Thou not come!’ So many long
centurieshath it vainly appealed to Him, that at last, in His
inexhaustiblecompassion, He consenteth to answer the prayer….
He decideththat once more, if it were but for one short hour,
thepeople–His long-suffering, tortured, fatally sinful, his
loving andchild-like, trusting people–shall behold Him again.
The sceneof action is placed by me in Spain, at Seville, during
thatterrible period of the Inquisition, when, for the greater
glory ofGod, stakes were flaming all over the country.
Burningwicked heretics,
In grandauto-da-fes.
“Thisparticular visit has, of course, nothing to do with the
promisedAdvent, when, according to the programme, ‘after the
tribulationof those days,’ He will appear ‘coming in the clouds
of heaven.’For, that ‘coming of the Son of Man,’ as we are
informed,will take place as suddenly ‘as the lightning cometh
out of theeast and shineth even unto the west.’ No; this once,
He desiredto come unknown, and appear among His children, just
when thebones of the heretics, sentenced to be burnt alive, had
commencedcrackling at the flaming stakes. Owing to His limitless
mercy, Hemixes once more with mortals and in the same form in
which Hewas wont to appear fifteen centuries ago. He descends,
just at thevery moment when before king, courtiers, knights,
cardinals,and the fairest dames of court, before the whole
populationof Seville, upwards of a hundred wicked heretics are
beingroasted, in a magnificent auto-da-fe ad majorem Dei
gloriam, bythe order of the powerful Cardinal Grand Inquisitor.
“Hecomes silently and unannounced; yet all–how strange–yea,
allrecognize Him, at once! The population rushes towards Him as
ifpropelled by some irresistible force; it surrounds, throngs,
and pressesaround, it follows Him…. Silently, and with a smile
ofboundless compassion upon His lips, He crosses the dense
crowd, andmoves softly on. The Sun of Love burns in His heart,
and warmrays of Light, Wisdom and Power beam forth from His
eyes, andpour down their waves upon the swarming multitudes of
the rabbleassembled around, making their hearts vibrate with
returninglove. He extends His hands over their heads, blesses
them, andfrom mere contact with Him, aye, even with His
garments, ahealing power goes forth. An old man, blind from his
birth,cries, ‘Lord, heal me, that I may see Thee!’ and the
scalesfalling off the closed eyes, the blind man beholds Him…
The crowdweeps for joy, and kisses the ground upon which He
treads.Children strew flowers along His path and sing to Him,
‘Hosanna!’It is He, it is Himself, they say to each other, it
must be He,it can be none other but He! He pauses at the portal
of the oldcathedral, just as a wee white coffin is carried in,
with tearsand great lamentations. The lid is off, and in the
coffin liesthe body of a fair-child, seven years old, the only
child of aneminent citizen of the city. The little corpse lies
buried inflowers. ‘He will raise the child to life!’ confidently
shouts thecrowd to the weeping mother. The officiating priest
who hadcome to meet the funeral procession, looks perplexed, and
frowns. Aloud cry is suddenly heard, and the bereaved mother
prostratesherself at His feet. ‘If it be Thou, then bring back
my child tolife!’ she cries beseechingly. The procession halts,
and thelittle coffin is gently lowered at his feet. Divine
compassionbeams forth from His eyes, and as He looks at the
child, Hislips are heard to whisper once more, ‘Talitha Cumi’ –
and‘straightway the damsel arose.’ The child rises in her
coffin. Herlittle hands still hold the nosegay of white roses
which afterdeath was placed in them, and, looking round with
largeastonished eyes she smiles sweetly …. The crowd is
violentlyexcited. A terrible commotion rages among them, the
populaceshouts and loudly weeps, when suddenly, before the
cathedraldoor, appears the Cardinal Grand Inquisitor himself….
He is tall,gaunt-looking old man of nearly four-score years and
ten, with astern, withered face, and deeply sunken eyes, from
the cavityof which glitter two fiery sparks. He has laid aside
hisgorgeous cardinal’s robes in which he had appeared before the
people atthe auto da-fe of the enemies of the Romish Church, and
is now cladin his old, rough, monkish cassock. His sullen
assistantsand slaves of the ‘holy guard’ are following at a
distance.He pauses before the crowd and observes. He has seen
all. He haswitnessed the placing of the little coffin at His
feet, thecalling back to life. And now, his dark, grim face has
grown stilldarker; his bushy grey eyebrows nearly meet, and his
sunken eyeflashes with sinister light. Slowly raising his
finger, hecommands his minions to arrest Him….
“Suchis his power over the well-disciplined, submissive and now
tremblingpeople, that the thick crowds immediately give way, and
scatteringbefore the guard, amid dead silence and without one
breath ofprotest, allow them to lay their sacrilegious hands
upon thestranger and lead Him away…. That same populace, like
one man,now bows its head to the ground before the old
Inquisitor,who blesses it and slowly moves onward. The guards
conducttheir prisoner to the ancient building of the Holy
Tribunal;pushing Him into a narrow, gloomy, vaulted prison-cell,
they lockHim in and retire….
“Theday wanes, and night–a dark, hot breathless Spanish night
–creeps onand settles upon the city of Seville. The air smells
of laurelsand orange blossoms. In the Cimmerian darkness of the
oldTribunal Hall the iron door of the cell is suddenly thrown
open, andthe Grand Inquisitor, holding a dark lantern, slowly
stalks intothe dungeon. He is alone, and, as the heavy door
closesbehind him, he pauses at the threshold, and, for a minute
or two,silently and gloomily scrutinizes the Face before him. At
lastapproaching with measured steps, he sets his lantern down
upon thetable and addresses Him in these words:
“‘It is Thou! … Thou!’ … Receiving no reply, herapidly
continues:‘Nay, answer not; be silent! … And what couldst Thou
say? … Iknow but too well Thy answer…. Besides, Thou hast no
right toadd one syllable to that which was already uttered by
Theebefore…. Why shouldst Thou now return, to impede us in our
work? ForThou hast come but for that only, and Thou knowest it
well. Butart Thou as well aware of what awaits Thee in the
morning? Ido not know, nor do I care to know who thou mayest be:
be it Thouor only thine image, to-morrow I will condemn and burn
Thee on thestake, as the most wicked of all the heretics; and
that samepeople, who to-day were kissing Thy feet, to-morrow at
one bend ofmy finger, will rush to add fuel to Thy funeral
pile… Wert Thou aware of this?’ he adds, speaking as if in
solemnthought, and never for one instant taking his piercing
glance offthe meek Face before him.”….
“I canhardly realize the situation described–what is all
this,Ivan?” suddenly interrupted Alyosha, who had remained
silentlylistening to his brother. “Is this an extravagant fancy,
or somemistake of the old man, an impossible quid pro quo?”
“Letit be the latter, if you like,” laughed Ivan, “since modern
realism hasso perverted your taste that you feel unable to
realizeanything from the world of fancy…. Let it be a quid pro
quo, if youso choose it. Again, the Inquisitor is ninety years
old, and hemight have easily gone mad with his one idee fixe of
power; or,it might have as well been a delirious vision, called
forth bydying fancy, overheated by the auto-da-fe of the hundred
heretics inthat forenoon…. But what matters for the poem,
whether itwas a quid pro quo or an uncontrollable fancy? The
questionis, that the old man has to open his heart; that he must
give outhis thought at last; and that the hour has come when he
does speakit out, and says loudly that which for ninety years he
has keptsecret within his own breast.”
“Andhis prisoner, does He never reply? Does He keep silent,
looking athim, without saying a word?”
“Ofcourse; and it could not well be otherwise,” again retorted
Ivan.“The Grand Inquisitor begins from his very first words by
telling Himthat He has no right to add one syllable to that which
He had saidbefore. To make the situation clear at once, the above
preliminarymonologue is intended to convey to the reader the very
fundamentalidea which underlies Roman Catholicism–as well as I
can conveyit, his words mean, in short: ‘Everything was given
over byThee to the Pope, and everything now rests with him alone;
Thou hastno business to return and thus hinder us in our work.’
In thissense the Jesuits not only talk but write likewise.
“‘Hastthou the right to divulge to us a single one of the
mysteriesof that world whence Thou comest?’ enquires of Him my
oldInquisitor, and forthwith answers for Him. ‘Nay, Thou has no
such right.For, that would be adding to that which was already
said byThee before; hence depriving people of that freedom for
which Thouhast so stoutly stood up while yet on earth….
Anythingnew that Thou would now proclaim would have to be
regarded asan attempt to interfere with that freedom of choice,
as it wouldcome as a new and a miraculous revelation superseding
the oldrevelation of fifteen hundred years ago, when Thou didst
sorepeatedly tell the people: “The truth shall make you free.”
Beholdthen, Thy “free” people now!’ adds the old man with sombre
irony.‘Yea!… it has cost us dearly.’ he continues, sternly
looking athis victim. ‘But we have at last accomplished our
task,and–in Thy name…. For fifteen long centuries we had to
toil andsuffer owing to that “freedom”: but now we have
prevailedand our work is done, and well and strongly it is done.
….Believestnot Thou it is so very strong? … And why should
Thou lookat me so meekly as if I were not worthy even of Thy
indignation?…Know then, that now, and only now, Thy people
feel fullysure and satisfied of their freedom; and that only
since theyhave themselves and of their own free will delivered
thatfreedom unto our hands by placing it submissively at our
feet. Butthen, that is what we have done. Is it that which Thou
has strivenfor? Is this the kind of “freedom” Thou has promised
“Nowagain, I do not understand,” interrupted Alyosha. “Does the
old manmock and laugh?”
“Notin the least. He seriously regards it as a great service
done byhimself, his brother monks and Jesuits, to humanity, to
haveconquered and subjected unto their authority that freedom,
and boaststhat it was done but for the good of the world. ‘For
only now,’he says (speaking of the Inquisition) ‘has it become
possible tous, for the first time, to give a serious thought to
humanhappiness. Man is born a rebel, and can rebels be ever
happy?…Thou has been fairly warned of it, but evidently to no
use, sinceThou hast rejected the only means which could make
mankindhappy; fortunately at Thy departure Thou hast delivered
the task tous…. Thou has promised, ratifying the pledge by Thy
own words,in words giving us the right to bind and unbind… and
surely,Thou couldst not think of depriving us of it now!'”
“Butwhat can he mean by the words, ‘Thou has been fairly
warned’?”asked Alexis.
“Thesewords give the key to what the old man has to say for his
justification… But listen–
“‘Theterrible and wise spirit, the spirit of self annihilation
andnon-being,’ goes on the Inquisitor, ‘the great spirit of
negationconversed with Thee in the wilderness, and we are told
that he “tempted” Thee… Was it so? And if it were so, then it is
impossibleto utter anything more truthful than what is contained
in histhree offers, which Thou didst reject, and which are
usuallycalled “temptations.” Yea; if ever there was on earth a
genuinestriking wonder produced, it was on that day of Thy three
temptations,and it is precisely in these three short sentences
that themarvelous miracle is contained. If it were possible that
they shouldvanish and disappear for ever, without leaving any
trace, fromthe record and from the memory of man, and that it
shouldbecome necessary again to devise, invent, and make them
reappear inThy history once more, thinkest Thou that all the
world’ssages, all the legislators, initiates, philosophers and
thinkers,if called upon to frame three questions which should,
like these,besides answering the magnitude of the event, express
in threeshort sentences the whole future history of this our
world andof mankind–dost Thou believe, I ask Thee, that all
theircombined efforts could ever create anything equal in power
and depthof thought to the three propositions offered Thee by the
powerfuland all-wise spirit in the wilderness? Judging of them by
theirmarvelous aptness alone, one can at once perceive that they
emanatednot from a finite, terrestrial intellect, but indeed,
from theEternal and the Absolute. In these three offers we find,
blendedinto one and foretold to us, the complete subsequent
history ofman; we are shown three images, so to say, uniting in
them allthe future axiomatic, insoluble problems and
contradictionsof human nature, the world over. In those days, the
wondrouswisdom contained in them was not made so apparent as it
is now, forfuturity remained still veiled; but now, when fifteen
centurieshave elapsed, we see that everything in these three
questionsis so marvelously foreseen and foretold, that to add to,
or to takeaway from, the prophecy one jot, would be absolutely
“‘Decidethen thyself.’ sternly proceeded the Inquisitor, ‘which
of ye twainwas right: Thou who didst reject, or he who offered?
Rememberthe subtle meaning of question the first, which runs
thus:Wouldst Thou go into the world empty-handed? Would Thou
venturethither with Thy vague and undefined promise of freedom,
which men,dull and unruly as they are by nature, are unable so
much as to understand,which they avoid and fear?–for never was
thereanything more unbearable to the human race than personal
freedom!Dost Thou see these stones in the desolate and glaring
wilderness?Command that these stones be made bread–and mankind
will run afterThee, obedient and grateful like a herd of cattle.
But eventhen it will be ever diffident and trembling, lest Thou
should takeaway Thy hand, and they lose thereby their bread!
Thou didstrefuse to accept the offer for fear of depriving men
of their freechoice; for where is there freedom of choice where
men arebribed with bread? Man shall not live by bread alone–
was Thineanswer. Thou knewest not, it seems, that it was
preciselyin the name of that earthly bread that the terrestrial
spiritwould one day rise against, struggle with, and finally
conquerThee, followed by the hungry multitudes shouting: “Who is
like untothat Beast, who maketh fire come down from heaven upon
theearth!” Knowest Thou not that, but a few centuries hence, and
the whole ofmankind will have proclaimed in its wisdom and
through itsmouthpiece, Science, that there is no more crime,
hence nomore sin on earth, but only hungry people? “Feed us
first andthen command us to be virtuous!” will be the words
writtenupon the banner lifted against Thee–a banner which
shalldestroy Thy Church to its very foundations, and in the
place ofThy Temple shall raise once more the terrible Tower of
Babel; andthough its building be left unfinished, as was that of
the firstone, yet the fact will remain recorded that Thou
couldst,but wouldst not, prevent the attempt to build that new
tower byaccepting the offer, and thus saving mankind a
millenniumof useless suffering on earth. And it is to us that
the peoplewill return again. They will search for us catacombs,
as we shallonce more be persecuted and martyred–and they will
begincrying unto us: “Feed us, for they who promised us the fire
from heavenhave deceived us!” It is then that we will finish
buildingtheir tower for them. For they alone who feed them shall
finish it,and we shall feed them in Thy name, and lying to them
that it isin that name. Oh, never, never, will they learn to
feedthemselves without our help! No science will ever give them
bread solong as they remain free, so long as they refuse to lay
thatfreedom at our feet, and say: “Enslave, but feed us!” That
day mustcome when men will understand that freedom and daily
breadenough to satisfy all are unthinkable and can never be had
together,as men will never be able to fairly divide the two
amongthemselves. And they will also learn that they can never be
free, forthey are weak, vicious, miserable nonentities born
wicked andrebellious. Thou has promised to them the bread of
life, thebread of heaven; but I ask Thee again,can that bread
ever equalin the sight of the weak and the vicious, the ever
ungratefulhuman race, their daily bread on earth? And even
supposingthat thousands and tens of thousands follow Thee in the
name of,and for the sake of, Thy heavenly bread, what will
become ofthe millions and hundreds of millions of human beings
to weak toscorn the earthly for the sake of Thy heavenly bread?
Or is itbut those tens of thousands chosen among the great and
the mighty,that are so dear to Thee, while the remaining
millions,innumerable as the grains of sand in the seas, the weak
and theloving, have to be used as material for the former? No,
no! In oursight and for our purpose the weak and the lowly are
the moredear to us. True, they are vicious and rebellious, but
we willforce them into obedience, and it is they who will admire
us themost. They will regard us as gods, and feel grateful to
those whohave consented to lead the masses and bear their burden
of freedomby ruling over them–so terrible will that freedom at
last appearto men! Then we will tell them that it is in
obedienceto Thy will and in Thy name that we rule over them. We
willdeceive them once more and lie to them once again–for
never,never more will we allow Thee to come among us. In this
deceptionwe will find our suffering, for we must needs lie
eternally,and never cease to lie!
“Suchis the secret meaning of “temptation” the first, and that
is whatThou didst reject in the wilderness for the sake of that
freedomwhich Thou didst prize above all. Meanwhile Thy tempter’s
offercontained another great world-mystery. By accepting the
“bread,”Thou wouldst have satisfied and answered a universal
craving, aceaseless longing alive in the heart of every
individualhuman being, lurking in the breast of collective
mankind,that most perplexing problem–“whom or what shall we
worship?”There exists no greater or more painful anxiety for a
man who hasfreed himself from all religious bias, than how he
shallsoonest find a new object or idea to worship. But man seeks
to bowbefore that only which is recognized by the greater
majority,if not by all his fellow-men, as having a right to be
worshipped;whose rights are so unquestionable that men agree
unanimouslyto bow down to it. For the chief concern of these
miserablecreatures is not to find and worship the idol of their
own choice,but to discover that which all others will believe
in, andconsent to bow down to in a mass. It is that instinctive
need ofhaving a worship in common that is the chief suffering of
every man,the chief concern of mankind from the beginning of
times. Itis for that universality of religious worship that
peopledestroyed each other by sword. Creating gods unto
themselves,they forwith began appealing to each other: “Abandon
yourdeities, come and bow down to ours, or death to ye and your
idols!”And so will they do till the end of this world; they will
do so eventhen, when all the gods themselves have disappeared,
for thenmen will prostrate themselves before and worship some
idea. Thoudidst know, Thou couldst not be ignorant of, that
mysteriousfundamental principle in human nature, and still thou
hastrejected the only absolute banner offered Thee, to which all
the nationswould remain true, and before which all would have
bowed–thebanner of earthly bread, rejected in the name of
freedom andof “bread in the kingdom of God”! Behold, then, what
Thou hastdone furthermore for that “freedom’s” sake! I repeat to
Thee, manhas no greater anxiety in life than to find some one to
whom he canmake over that gift of freedom with which the
unfortunatecreature is born. But he alone will prove capable of
silencingand quieting their consciences, that shall succeed in
possessinghimself of the freedom of men. With “daily bread” an
irresistiblepower was offered Thee: show a man “bread” and he
will followThee, for what can he resist less than the attraction
of bread?But if, at the same time, another succeed in possessing
himself ofhis conscience–oh! then even Thy bread will be
forgotten,and man will follow him who seduced his conscience. So
far Thouwert right. For the mystery of human being does not
solely restin the desire to live, but in the problem–for what
should onelive at all? Without a clear perception of his reasons
for living,man will never consent to live, and will rather
destroyhimself than tarry on earth, though he be surrounded with
bread. Thisis the truth. But what has happened? Instead of
gettinghold of man’s freedom, Thou has enlarged it still more!
Hast Thouagain forgotten that to man rest and even death are
preferableto a free choice between the knowledge of Good and
Evil?Nothing seems more seductive in his eyes than freedom of
conscience,and nothing proves more painful. And behold! instead
of laying afirm foundation whereon to rest once for all man’s
conscience,Thou hast chosen to stir up in him all that is
abnormal,mysterious, and indefinite, all that is beyond human
strength,and has acted as if Thou never hadst any love for him,
and yet Thouwert He who came to “lay down His life for His
friends!”Thou hast burdened man’s soul with anxieties hitherto
unknown tohim. Thirsting for human love freely given, seeking to
enable man,seduced and charmed by Thee, to follow Thy path of
his ownfree-will, instead of the old and wise law which held him
insubjection, Thou hast given him the right henceforth to choose
and freelydecide what is good and bad for him, guided but by
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