
How to use the AuthPass password manager on Linux

AuthPass is an open-source password manager for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. It is secure and a great way to save your passwords and sensitive information. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up AuthPass on Linux and how to use it too.

Installing AuthPass on Linux

AuthPass supports Linux through the Ubuntu Snap store. However, they also have a generic TarGZ release for those that would prefer not to install the Snap release of the app.

To install AuthPass on your Linux PC, start by opening up a terminal window. You can open up a terminal window on the Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or, search for “Terminal” in the app menu and launch it that way.

With the terminal window open, the installation of AuthPass can begin. Using the installation instructions below, get the AuthPass app up and running on your computer.

Snap package

AuthPass is available for all Linux users as a Snap package in the Ubuntu Snap Store. The Snap store is a great way to go for this app, as the developers can push out fast updates instantaneously.

To install AuthPass on your system as a Snap package, you will need to have the Snapd runtime configured on your computer. Setting up the Snapd runtime is relatively easy. Follow our guide on how to set up Snaps for more information.

With the Snap package runtime set up on your Linux computer, install AuthPass using the snap install command down below.

sudo snap install authpass

Arch Linux

If you’re on Arch Linux, you’ll be able to install the AuthPass TarGZ release on your computer via the AUR. Using the pacman command and set up the “git” and “base-devel” packages to start the installation.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel

With the two packages installed, it is time to set up the Trizen AUR helper. This program will automate the installation of AuthPass from the AUR, so you do not have to do it by hand.

git clone
cd trizen/
makepkg -sri

Now that the Trizen application is set up on your computer use the trizen -S command to get the AuthPass application working on your computer.

trizen -S authpass-bin

Generic Linux

The generic Linux release of AuthPass doesn’t require any installation. Instead, it can be launched as soon as it is downloaded. Here’s how to get the generic version of AuthPass working on your Linux computer.

First, use the wget download command to grab the latest release of AuthPass from GitHub.


Next, extract the AuthPass TarGZ archive using the tar xvf command.

tar xvf authpass-linux-1.9.4_1872.tar.gz

Upon extracting the AuthPass TarGZ archive, a folder named “authpass” will appear in your home folder. Using the CD command, move into this folder. Then, start up the app using ./authpass.

cd ~/authpass/

How to use the AuthPass password manager

To set up AuthPass on your Linux computer, start by opening the app. With the app open, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Inside of AuthPass, find the “New to KeePass” button and click on it with the mouse. Selecting this option will allow you to create a new password database.

Step 2: Upon selecting the “New to KeyPass” button, a new window will appear. In it, you’ll be asked to name your new database and set a secure master password.

Be sure to use a memorable and secure password. Do not lose this password, as you will not be able to reset it! However, do not write it down on a piece of paper, as someone could gain access to your password vault.

Step 3: After writing in your new master password, find the “Create Database” button and click on it with the mouse. Once you’ve selected the button, the database will be created.

Step 4: With the new database made, AuthPass will ask you to add a new password. Click on the “Add Password” button inside the app to add a new password to AuthPass.

Step 5: Find the “Title” box, and write in the name of the login you’re adding to AuthPass.

Step 6: Locate the “User” text box, and click on it with the mouse. Then, write in the name of the username for the new login you’re adding to AuthPass.

Step 7: Find the “Password” box, and click on it with the mouse. Inside the box, write in the password for the login you’re adding to your AuthPass vault.

Need to generate a new password? Select the menu button to the right of the “Password” field, and select the “Password Generator” button.

Step 8: Find the “Website” text box, and click on it with the mouse. Then, paste the website URL into the text box.

When you’ve added all the information to your new AuthPass entry, click on the save icon to save it. Repeat this process to add more items to your AuthPass password box.

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