How To Fix Blank Lock Screen On iPhone X

The iPhone X hardware is arguably the best you can find on a smartphone. It’s beat out the competition by a mile but it is, unfortunately, still running iOS 11. iOS 11 has more bugs than possibly all the previous versions of iOS combined. The situation is so bad that Apple may focus simply on improving the quality and stability of iOS for its next iteration. It’s nice that Apple is going to eventually deal with bugs but for now, anyone running an iOS 11 device has to live with its bugs and iPhone X users aren’t immune. It seems a lot of people are getting a blank lock screen on iPhone X. The blank lock screen shows the wallpaper, the status bar icons,  the lock/unlock state, and the home indicator. You will not get notifications. In some cases, the status bar icons disappear too.

Apple is seemingly aware of the blank lock screen on iPhone X bug and it seems to affect other iPhone models as well though not as much. It was supposed to have been fixed in various iterations of iOS 11 that have come out but to date, the problem still persists for users. Here are a few fixes that you can try.

Restart Your iPhone X

This is a tried and tested method that always works. You need to turn off your iPhone X and turn it on again. Your lock screen will return to normal. The only problem is that the bug will come back in a day or two. This isn’t a permanent fix.

Soft Reset

Try performing a soft reset on your phone. On iPhone X, you need to press the volume up button, quickly followed by pressing and releasing the volume down button, and then holding the side button. This will fix the problem if a restart doesn’t and it will likely not resurface for a few days.

Restore iPhone X

If none of the above solutions fix the blank lock screen on iPhone X, you might need to restore your phone to stock iOS and then restore it from a backup. This is of course an extreme solution but if nothing else works you’re going to have to go with it.

The fix is coming, eventually. Apple has already made a few attempts to fix the problem. iOS 11.3 should be available on the stable channel soon and it may fix this problem. It’s also possible that this problem is being carried over from previous iPhone backups that you’re restoring your iPhone X from. Again, this is going to need an OS fix since users cannot be expected to forgo restoring an iPhone. Let’s hope Apple works very hard on iOS 12.

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